Registration is Now Open for the 2014 Alaska Wood Energy Conference

Registration is Now Open for the 2014 Alaska Wood Energy Conference

2014 Alaska Wood Energy Conference
April 15 - 17, 2014
Westmark Fairbanks Hotel & Conference Center
Fairbanks, Alaska

Registration is now open for the 2014 Alaska Wood Energy Conference!  Visit to secure your spot today.

ā€œThe Fifth Alaska Wood Energy Conference, Biomass for Sustainable Communities returns to Fairbanks for two days of field trips, panel discussions, educational exhibits and networking opportunities. Sessions for this conference will take a look at wood biomass utilization and impacts in rural communities, new technologies and emerging economic opportunities among other topics.ā€ ā€“Alaska Wood Energy Conference

ACEP is proud to support this yearā€™s Wood Energy Conference as a sponsor and to be sending several of its researchers to participate in it.

To view the agenda for the Wood Energy Conference, visit .

Questions and comments can be sent to or

Flyer courtesy 2014 Alaska Wood Energy Conference.