Alaska Hydrokinetic Technology Development and Demonstration Report Released

Alaska Hydrokinetic Technology Development and Demonstration Report Released

This report reviews the Nenana, Alaska Hydrokinetic RivGen™ Power System Project – the development and demonstration of an in-river hydrokinetic system by ORPC Alaska, LLC (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ocean Renewable Power Company, collectively ORPC).

This demonstration was funded by the Denali Commission Emerging Energy Technology Grant (EETG) program and implemented by ORPC.  As a part of the EETG program, ACEP provided an independent analysis of the project and technology.

The report identifies the project participants and their roles as well as documents the development of the project and demonstration of the power system turbine and foundation. The report also presents findings based on the experience of the demonstration, makes recommendations for future deployments of the RivGenâ„¢ Power System, and presents broader recommendations for other hydrokinetic development efforts in Alaska.

For comprehensive project information, data, and report appendices, please visit the