Research Matters - Alaska Energy Data Gateway: A New Online Database

Research Matters - Alaska Energy Data Gateway: A New Online Database

has now launched the , a new online database with energy data—most of it at the community level—from across Alaska. The site provides data from many sources, through a single access point. The data can be downloaded in a variety of file formats.

The gateway was developed in cooperation with the Alaska Energy Authority and is housed at the University of Alaska’s Arctic Region Supercomputing Center in Fairbanks. This initial release contains only part of the information we hope to include in the future. ISER is also working with ACEP to add high-resolution engineering data to the site.  We ask users to let us know how we can add to and improve the site.

If you have questions, get in touch with Ginny Fay, assistant professor of economics, at, or Ben Saylor, programmer, at You can also e-mail comments to