ACEP at Work: VDOS Project Logbook – Weekly Update

ACEP at Work: VDOS Project Logbook – Weekly Update

Work this week has included finished configuration of the NAS storage device to a RAID10 configuration. The four 2TB drives are configured as two sets of mirrored drives (2, 2TBX2TB Pairs) formed into a single array. This configuration will allow for the loss of two drives without the loss of any data.  Due to a shipping error, continued installation of the system has been slightly delayed but with arrival of parts on Friday afternoon, work should resume as normal next week. For more information on this project contact Marc Mueller-Stoffels at


Photo Caption:  Construction of the test stand was completed as shown here. The test stand will house both VDOS and ACEP’s Black Box data collection system prototypes. AC power was wired into the stand and the DC power side will be completed once the remaining parts arrive.

Photo courtesy N. Konefal ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×