ACEP at Work: BlackBox Project Logbook – Weekly Update

ACEP at Work:  BlackBox Project Logbook – Weekly Update

Project Description: The Black Box Project consists of the design, construction and testing of a remote data acquisition system. The goal of the project is to develop a fully self-contained system that can be left in the field unmonitored for extended periods of time.  

System Specifications: The main components of the system will be a four 50 channel terminals to connect measurement equipment, I/O server to process measurements and a network attached storage (NAS) device for storing data. Each component will be controlled by a programmed relay and powered by 120VAC and 24VDC depending on the component. The programmed relay enables self-monitoring of the system. That is, should a device on the internal network ‘hang-up’ the relay will sense this and reboot the component.


  • 50 Channel Terminals
  • Acromag I/O Server
  • Buffalo Terastation 3400R  8GB Network Attached Storage
  • Ewon Cosy 141 Router
  • Digital-Loggers 8 Channel Web Relay
  • 3A Powerline Filter
  • 24VDC/ 7.5A Rhino Power Supply

Last week’s progress:

Construction of the test stand was completed. The stand consists of four DIN rails to attached components and is wired for AC power. The AC side of the power supply was wired into a 15A breaker, 3A powerline filter and 24V AC/DC power converter as shown in Fig. 3. A relay was also installed to control AC power being supplied to the NAS device. Wiring of the DC side of the system will continue once the remaining parts arrive.

Configuration of the NAS device was started. The storage device will provide up to 8GB of storage and the hard drives will be “mirrored” so that all data is backed up and the loss of a drive will not result in the loss of data. Additional configuration will include linking the storage device to external inputs and data sharing.

For more information on the BlackBox Technology and for additional project updates email Marc Mueller-Stoffels at


Photo Caption:  Power Supply and network devices.

Photo courtesy N. Konefal ACEP/