ACEP in the Classroom: Biomass Presentation to Environmental Decision Making Class

ACEP in the Classroom: Biomass Presentation to Environmental Decision Making Class

ACEP Biomass Coordinator Amanda Byrd will speak about biomass energy in Alaska this week to a ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×, Environmental Decision Making class. The class is focused on how decisions are made on environmental issues facing the world. Each semester instructors of the class bring in speakers such as Amanda to speak about specific examples of real world decisions that were made at the state or community level.

To learn more about biomass energy projects in Alaska contact Amanda Byrd,


Photo caption:  ACEP’s Biomass Coordinator, Amanda Byrd examines the growth rate of balsam poplar in Interior Alaska.

Photo courtesy of A Byrd, ACEP/ÎÞÂëÂÒÂ×.